Wednesday, January 19


I have just received a communication from the rugged New Zealander's firm that our next guests are due to arrive any moment. Such a to-do. It's ever so wonderful and exciting, although our current guests are not so much excited as appalled by the prospect of being cooped up for several weeks more with the imminent arrivals. On the one hand (deario!) they're happy he's arriving, and on the other hand (alas!) they're apprehensive. So they've requested a sort of wake be held in the Gentlemen's Card Room for the end of the pleasant part of their stay. They're in there now, drinking quietly and telling each other tales of derring-do, great deeds, and fine beverages consumed.

The mask and strait-jacket are all ready for the gentleman, and I've been asked to have the local quack stop by and see to a few minor injuries the lady suffered during the course of her trip.

Some of them are rather troubling.

I shall put her in the rather frou-frou front bedroom... the one with the stout lock on the door. Her companion shall be found a place in one of the old attic rooms, or perhaps I'll claim we're overbooked and send him down to Dirty Dick's Last Resort (it's a rather raffish place run by a complete prat who spends far too much time vacationing in Florida).

As a special favour to some of the employees of said firm, I've been asked to remove all hatracks and mirrors from the premises. They seem to find this request rather amusing, but if it makes them happy, I'm quite willing to comply.

However, this will make putting on a bit of rouge and powder a decidedly approximate activity.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. B.

Please make a note that I would like to stand as saying....Gus's trials and tribulations have only been the first stop before checking in at The Grog Shoppe!
Gus and Keith (or Moe) would be well advised to thank you immensely and with great gusto!!!!

The laughs are appreciated, immensely.

Sass and Edna (NOT Moe) as well.

Ginny said...

You are most kind. Quite soon exciting announcements and invitations shall be issued for dear Q. Sybil's shower (I trust I may be a titch informal there, she's a lovely gel). I haven't like to bother them with questions about dates and such, because I rather think other events are on their minds (such as the missing tome).