Tuesday, March 1

A Former Guest Comes Out Against Whale-Killing

My dears, I absolutely couldn't make this up if I used both hands, shut my eyes tightly, crouched down, and made a vigorous "pop-pop! pop-pop!" noise:
Avi: So when we got eliminated, the woman who took care of us - her name is Meredith Rabitzsky - or, actually, she has a new last name because she just got married, but she has a line production credit if you ever get to watch the credits as they flash by - but she took care of us. And I told her, 'There's one thing I want to do before I leave Iceland.' I said, 'I'd like to eat puffin.' And so the next day when we were basically lounging around, Joe and her went into town and they found a restaurant for me to eat puffin. And that gave birth to the sequester event, which is, Will Avi Eat It? And everywhere we went, there was something where the game was, Will Avi Eat It? And I still think the craziest stuff I ate was in Iceland. I did eat puffin, and although I am a true, true animal lover and a true, true environmentalist, I honestly thought there would never be another time I might be able to eat this, so I did try whale meat.

Interviewer: Oh, my.

Avi: And let me just say, and you can put it in print, they shouldn't be killing these creatures because they're sentient and they also really don't taste that good. Don't believe the hype.

Interviewer: [laughs]. It's not good on any level. Right?

Avi: No. It just goes to further show that there's just no reason to be killing these creatures. Really, I don't know what the Japanese are thinking.

There you have it: whale-killing is bad because they are sentient, thinking beings and also because they don't taste that good anyway.

The rest of this most delightful charming interview is on the site via the link thingy. I have a sneaking suspeeeecioun that the rugged New Zealander and his company will soon be sending some new guests our way. They may drop dark hints about "Sequesterville" or "Sequesteristan" but you may be sure that...

Oops. I should like to quote my favourite author (after Gus, of course):

"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

With the exception of the dear Bard and our other legal friends, of course.

In any case - whale will not be on the menu here at the Shoppe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the exmption and stay of execution, Mrs. B, but I am not sure I understand the relevance. Is this Avi cretin a lawyer?

Who would eat an adorable puffin? I had an Icelandic friend, and he never mentioned eating puffins. It stands to reason that they would not taste good, because they subsist on fish.

As for whale, I know the natives of Greenland often hunted narwhal along with seal for food, but pickin's were rather slim. Some of the native tribes still do, but it is not common. According to my great-aunt, seal tastes fishy and is very greasy. I imagine whale tastes the same. But that is not the reason that I would think any person would ordinarily give for condeming the practice of eating whale meat. What a putz!
