Tuesday, May 3

More Piratical Merchandise

Edward Teach BlackbeardIt seems that pirates are not only fashionable and "hippy," they are lurking ev'rywhere. Now it seems that people who quite like pirates may buy pirate dollies to play with.

Be that as it may, here is quite a fearsome pirate dollie indeed - Edward Teach, "Blackbeard." And of course, he was a true son of jolly Bristol.

Always had a soft spot in my head for pirates, I have. For one thing, they are excellent customers so long as they have recently plundered a rich prize, for then paying the bar tab is no problem (and indeed, tips become the stuff of legend, owing to a tendency to largesse that is apparently in direct proportion to the acreage of barmaid's bosom on show).

Now, if this dollie shop ever does a series of the Muppets' Treasure Island movie, I shall be ever so chuffed, as an ancestress of mine has a cameo in that fine flick.

No, not Miss Piggy, silly gubbinses, another lady of the female pubkeeping persuasion.

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