Friday, April 29

My New, Even More Brilliant Career

Groggy SteinMy dears, I have taken the plunge. I have decided to offer on sale a few items that may be of interest to the imbibing piratical community that favors this establishment with their custom.

Strictly as a lark, mind you. If there is sufficient demand (indeed, if there is ANY at all) I may add more items of interest to all and sundry.

As the community is a rather diverse one, I shall endeavour to provide a wide range of sizings should I decide to offer apparel. On review of the available products, I see that I shall be able to offer a "dog shirt," which is apparently popular in the former Colonies. Mr Carlisle and Sea Rover will no doubt be happy about that. Regrettably, there appear to be NO "bird shirts" or "cat shirts" or "whale shirts." Again, it appears to be some sort of sizeist prejudice on the part of the cafe pressers. There aren't even any "figment shirts" but we've always gotten around that particular obstacle by believing in them anyway, haven't we?

Still, for those of us somewhere in the middle there seems to be a reasonable selection.

I do hope you'll drop by and give my little swaggery a butcher's. I was thinking of some rather droll bons mot to put on other items of clothing and such. Mr B is quite enthusiastic about photographing your humble publicanatrice but I did have to put my foot down about the costume; I should think a single red rose is definitely what NOT to wear.


Anonymous said...

ooooh, i did love that movie! might one be able to find rodent-wear, for the lil rodent num-nums in some of our lives?

waitin' with antici......

Anonymous said...

....pation for the tee-shirts that might soonly be in stock. *nods* i do rather fancy the large grog mug for the mornin' latte.


Ginny said...

I did think the "swag bag" mought go over well with the buccaneering trade.

I don't think rodent wear is in the cards, unless said num-nums is the size of a small dog.

Which is possible, if it's a Noo Yawk num-numns, but I think dear Bob was considri'bly smaller than that.