Wednesday, May 4

Privateer Dragons of the Caribbean-Renaissance Faire Pirates

Good heavens!!! These are Nelson's long-lost relations! I do hope he makes contact with them. They have a page full of suggested titles for further reading about Pirates. Yes, even pirates read books, apparently. Who would have thought it?

They appear to be a sort of performance group that goes to Renaissance Faires.

I have emailed Nelson with a tiny suggestion. I do hope he doesn't take it amiss.


Anonymous said...

*throws open the windows while flailin' at the dust and coughin'*'s dusted in here in a loonnnnnnnnng time. i'm just sayin'. *nodsnodsnods*


Ginny said...

Egad, my allergies are kicking in most briskly.

Becalmed, we are. Stranded. Beached like a couple of whales. We shipmates are in need of adventure.

Anonymous said...

i miss the days of yore
with cabana boys galore

an adventure would be grand~
and i've got nothing planned.

so just fax me the tickets
while i stave off the rickets

with orange juice, rum & lime, juice, rum & lime.
