Tuesday, August 10

The WMD spy satellite reports no suspicious massively destructive whales at the moment; however the lights ashore are pretty. The very bright spot at the center point is likely Caracas, and the jewel-like island to the north is probably Puerto Rico, where they make some rather fine (and entertainingly combustible) rums. The running lights of Gus' current sea-going ride are not visible at this resolution.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Hey, just what do you mean by "entertainingly combustible rum," Mrs.? The thought of rum combusting's enough to make a grown man cry--not me, but some men.

-- Rosco Hatten

Anonymous said...


loosely translated: do not request a mai tai and don't mess with the bartender (moi) as she is currently recovering from several *very bad* days. and she has fire batons. as a matter of fact, this would be a very good time to drink scotch.


Ginny said...

Good Lord, it's only Wednesday... I think I shall stick to simpler beverages (ie., not containing gunpowder) for a few days.