Thursday, April 14

Dead Celebrity Soulmate Search

How thrilling! I got a n'instantaneous response to my personal advert:

Leonardo da Vinci responds...
"I really need to finish these sketches for my latest invention, and then start work on the mechanical lion statue that has been commissioned by the King, but your beauty and intelligence captivate me. Let us meet, and soon!"

I wonder if dear Leibniz is registered? He is spoken for, of course. But he is dead and moderately famous, so he fulfills the two main requirements.

Hmm. I expect Mr. B. might like the "ideal date" idea: disrobe and lie on a couch in the artist's studio and be immortalized in sculpture. That might be good for a few amusing snaps.


Anonymous said...

there is something wrong with this meet and greet survey. got accepted by james baldwin and rejected by Beethoven (sob) say it ain't so.

Ginny said...

Apparently one's choice of ideal first date didn't quite float da Vinci's barge, but he did say he wished to meet. What were your ideal dates? I'm of the opinion that the best choice is whichsoever one calls for a costume consisting of: one (1) rose, red , to be tightly clenched in the teeth.

Anonymous said...

James Baldwin and Billy the Kid both want me. Attila the Hun's profile was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Mrs. BluBridge-
I have to say that you've a cool blog. One that is now bookmarked under: Noteable least in this here firefox browser. I was wondering if I might use this: image on my site. I can't pay(yet), but I would be sure to site your blog, something I will do anyway because I like it.
Anyhow...That's what I got to say what about you.
Happy Blogging

Ginny said...

You are most kind, Mr Blakeley, or Nathan if I may be so bold, and I mought as well be or what's a heaven for?

In n'any case, the image you link is actually from Captain Gus' blog, so you shall have to send him a bird via a comment there, or p'raps via a comment at the "BLARG" now maintained by that Reform rake, Nelson.

Actually, it's Flarq as makes the scrimshaws, but perhaps man you should ask is chief stooge and bottle-washer, Keith (yes, the book one).

Dear me, I'm even more impenetrable than usual. Mr B. will be ever so vexed when he returns from his lodge meeting.

Anonymous said...

miz b:

does said lodge meeting require wearin' bizarre lookin' hats fashioned from recently deceased critters? if so, perhaps it's a Good Thing that you remain impenetrable. i'm not sure a gallon of tomato juice will remove the fashionista effluvium.

i'm just sayin'....


Ginny said...
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Ginny said...

Dear me, the "fashionista effluvium" is quite the beguiling indictment of why I would not allow Mr B. to join the Loyal Order of Unscented Skunks, Esquire. The headgear was not entirely as unscented as represented in the brochure, and I couldn't bear to have my dear hubby be forever known as a L.O.U.S.E.

Edited to add: Good heavens. That dim "friend" of mine has hackled my Grog Shoppe! I shall have to speak to her about that.