Sunday, July 25

A Brilliant And Rather Sexy Legal Brief

*points to obscure legal reference code that says: wherein the pot shall not call the kettle black without the kettle having recourse to due process under the first amendment.* - snuggs

OH, rather well done snuggs! Nicely finessed. I had my suspicions about the mysterious "DIRECTOR" person, but you had the goods.

Your closing argument is almost unassailable. I look forward to next year's salary negotiations with you with some trepidation. In the meantime, you may expect a bonus and some perquisites - much of this involves some slightly used chocolate.

There is nothing sexier than a woman with a sharp legal mind who really knows her way around the briefs.  You'll be beating suitors off with a stick in no time.


Anonymous said...

*curtsies and blushes* why thank you, miz b. and don't worry about salary negotiations; your bennies package is beyond complete. especially the chocolates part.

as for the legalese....i'm sure my con law professor will be delighted that i actually paid attention. other than managing to regurgitate all of those cases for his exams. in view of gus' current situation, i now wish i'd followed through with my plans to go to after graduation law school and become a child advocate. which would have been helpful considering who gus is up against. *tsk tsk tsk* but i truly believe we are where we're supposed to be at any given time, if only on our way to somewhere else.

*sniffs* thank you so much for your encouragement and vote of confidence, miz b. i do adore working with you in this fine establishment. *straightens cossak hat left behind by grateful russians for liberal pouring of chilled vodka* have a truffle.

hugs, snuggs

Anonymous said...

erm.....pardon the grammatical faux pas in the above post. i may have had one too many shots of stoli. *hiccup*
