Tuesday, July 20

Horrific Sight, Avert Your Eyes

If any of you ladies were harboring any sorts of feelings for Stupid George, steel yourselves for a very keen and well-nigh fatal disappointment.

Poor widower Gus, drinking away the lonely hours while his crew of adventurers disport themselves, still sweet on his poor, whale - et wife (and children, one supposes, but at the moment this is a bittersweet, yet manly longing).

And somewhere out there, in the cold black depths, the B. whale lurks malevolently.


Anonymous said...

it just shifts my shimmy to know that gus and the crew are over-indulgin' at That Den of Inequity with it's architectural elements and red velvet curtain swags and not *our* lil den of inequity.

sometimes it just blows grits to be a woman. i swannee.

*grabs the grand marnier bottle and stomps off to the garden.*


Ginny said...

My dear Trish, I meself own an overshirt with the "Oxford" imprint, yet I am not a matriculated member of any of its colleges or of the University. However, I drank there on many a clandestine "fact-finding" trip in order to check out the competition.

Actually, it was more of a pub-finding expedition; some of them are rather well hidden.

And my dear snuggs, there's certainly no accounting for taste, but we are somewhat geographically challenged with regards to Captain Gus' supposed current location.

Not to mention the supposed current location of a certain family-unfriendly whale.

Anonymous said...


found this lil gem while perusin' the morning clicks:


hehehe....i'm cap'n alena bloodgut!

