Tuesday, September 14

Dea Ex Machina! Princess Sybil To The Rescue

You must admit, she IS rather like a goddess, now don't you? She certainly knows how to fill out a T-shirt. Pity, she would have made a rather spectacular barmaid.

I award her bonus points for not being one of those annoyingly fluffy pink-taffeta faux-princesses such as they have in another sub-tropical realm, the Kingdom of Magic. I can't see Sybill hosting any teas at the Palace for little girls when the word gets out that she's the Princess of Blowing Things Up.

Huzzah! The necktie party has been cancelled. Joy unrestrained, et cetera. Now, I wonder how long it'll take for Gus, crew, and Sybil to get the S-1 headed in a blubbery B. whaleward direction? I'm sure Princess Sybil is anxious to put her remote controlled exploding squid into action against the foe. I wonder if this makes her an apostate in the state religion, or is it simply a rebellious phase?

Free Crown Royal for all persons able to prove that they are subjects of the Kingdom of Conch (passports only, no shells please). I take back what I said previously about the Conchians, I now see that the subterfuge was a matter of national security (for Conch, anyway). I did just wonder at the incredibly swift wheels of justice that took Gus straight from the dock to the gallows without benefit of judiciary.

Gus had best step carefully unless he's willing to stick his neck in another type of noose altogether - a matrimonial one.

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Anonymous said...

dear miz b:

ack! i've gone thru 5 bottles of crown in the past hour!!! who knew there were so many ex-pat conchians with valid passports? please tell me we have *some* stocked elsewhere. Mr. Fred at the off-license gets so cranky when chad wakes him up in the middle of the night because we've run out of something mid-revel. apparently he was rather curt with chad the last time, even after chad offered him a pedicure, gratis. hmmmmm. right, maybe nikola could go?

*hands you a deposit slip* would you please keep this for the records? it's gus money from the bar bet, which i won for him when i refused to bet against him and the crew. i think the poor man was feeling a mite down, considering all he was faced with. eternity is pretty big. as for *my* winnings: *extends newly-shod foot* can we just talk about how pretty these are???

oooh, and i did purchase a rather large box of nag champtha; with so much to celebrate, i thought we should remember to say thank you to the various divinities responsible for gus and crew's ability to breath. considerin' gus' prediliction for *staying* in trouble, we need the divinities to stay on our side. *nods*

miz b...can we adopt bob?


Anonymous said...

Do I qualify for the crown royal special if I lived on Conch for eight months (also, truth be told, I was a captive)?

Rosco Q. Hatten

Ginny said...

Of course you do, Roscoe my lad. On the house.

Don't worry, snuggs, I've got a collection of Crown Royal bottles in the attic. They should still be in the original purple fabric bags.

A dear aunt of mine used to collect them (the bags, that is) and make tea cosies out of them - as she preferred her tea with a shot of something stronger, it was her little joke. There are also some minibottles - I was saving the smaller bags for her as well. She used to give them to her ladyfriends at their weekly poker binges - just tuppence-and-shillingses games, really, so they needed the little bags to keep their winnings in. In latter years she liked them to keep pound coins in. Oh, and she also found a home for all the bottles of Crowne Royal as well. They didn't call them the Ladies' Home Poker-And-Smoker Binges for nothing.

She was such a dearie. What a blessing that I never had the heart to get rid of the CR 'til now.

Ginny said...

Adopt Bob? Well, if he's willing to throw in with our lot after the cruise... remember, we have rather a lot of C-A-T-S prowling round the garden.

Anonymous said...

c-a....erm. yes. quite. *hangs head* i did forget about them. they're so used to staring at click the mouse through the aquarium glass, i have no idea what they'd do with bob. and i suppose all of our frolicsome felines would not be particularly restful for bob after his long, arduous journey. *bottom lip trembles* it's my rescue addiction, miz b. i'm jonesin' really bad. i went to a cra meeting today, but it didn't help. i've fought it so hard, for so long (14 months, 8 days, 6 hours and 45 minutes, but who's counting?)... when i pictured bob's lil rodent face in the noose, i pert near couldn't stand it any more. i just wanna clasp him to my busom...safe and sound out of harm's way and feasting on garlic croutons. c after b, croutons after busoms. *nods*

erm. yes. *eyes fascinating spot on the floor while recovering composure*. right. crown upstairs in the attic, i'm on that!

Ginny said...

Really? I don't know what you mean. Actually, I've never been terribly good in the Barroom Confessional line... so why don't you finish up the last of the Crowne Royal?

It seems that yet another spontaneous public celebration shall be breaking out now that Gus and Sybil's palace revolution is getting under way, and then International Talk Like A Pirate Day is coming up in a few days, so there's all the decorating to be done, and staff meetings to reschedule and whatnot.

So please, have one on the house.