Saturday, September 25

We Are Truly At A Loss For Words

Posted by Hello

In Loving Memory of Thesaurus, 199?-2004

Such a sad loss. But let us not weep for he is with his Maker and Connection.


Anonymous said...

I'd need to see a body myself--opposed to a scrimshaw--to believe it. As nice as the boys in Gus's crew no doubt are, they all have criminal records a fathom long, and have to fake a death every now and again when the heat's on. This death-by-blog scheme is a good one, for those of you out who got the Man on your stern. --- Rosco J. Hatten

Ginny said...

It is an intriguing possibility - perhaps it's not so foolish to continue hoping as I thought.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's just off doing his own sitcom.
Maybe a reality series. But who will take his place?

Anonymous said...

miz b, honey.....

i don't know about you, but i am completely worn out from this rollercoaster of grief and the large throngs of heavy imbibers slakin' their thirst in the shoppe.

i think you made an excellent choice in the hirin' of the new chef....was a lovely sunday brunch he put on for the employees. i think i'm goin' out to the back garden and do some embroidery with a rather large needle. i'll feel close to thesaurus that way. *sniffs* somehow, i don't feel up to incantatin' today; i rather suspect that we're still feelin' the reverbrations of that one incantation gone horribly wrong. and i feel more than a lil responsible for best i just clear my head and align my chakras for what might come next....because, with our indomitable gus, you can count on there bein' a *next*.
