Monday, September 6

Thirteen Days

I should hope it won't take that long to resolve the Tortolan Missile Crisis. In the meantime, the hardy crew of the (is it still the Lucky Sue, or are we on yet another brig now?) have lost their steering gear to a "hail-mary" shot from that dratted surplus rust-bucket of a Tortolan battleship.

If I weren't stuck being a British subject in Bristol, I should certainly write my congressperson and complain about the dumping of old Navy iron on dubious "allies" in the Caribbean.

The immediate problem is steering, since the engines are undamaged but the rudder has been transformed into flotsam. There is some chance that they could steer by increasing or decreasing power to the port and starboard engines... or they could simply duct-tape Stupid George to the stern with a pair of snorkel fins and steer that way with verbal commands.

Therein lies the problem.

It's quite likely that confusion between "my starboard" and "the boat's starboard..." will arise in what passes for Rockhead's noggin. Not to mention the very real possibility that S.G. has no clew about the actual meanings of the words "port" and "starboard." Most people know that "port" and "left" each have 4 letters and remember that way, but I'm quite certain Stupid George would have trouble with even that simple mathematical concept.

I have an easier method of remembering which is which; when I drink port, I generally list to the left when tacking between the bar and the cellar.

Perhaps I had better bespeak dear snuggs to stock up on the port. We'll probably need it.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

It's just as well no one but Gus knows, since the current "crise" stems from Stupid George's posting the name of the previous boat on the Interweb thingy.

Lucky Sue it shall be, or whatever nom de mer Gus chooses.