Saturday, September 4

Invasion Of Ruddy Pirates Expected, Grog Shortage Soon After

We'd best stock up on the grog and parrot feed, as I'm certain there shall be an influx of rakehelly piratical types on September the 19th.


Anonymous said...

Miz B,

Sorry but the significance of that date, Sept 19
eludes me. National pirates day? Help me out here.


Ginny said...

The link in the tile leads to the National Talk Like A Pirate Day web thingy.

In a bizarre circumstance, I had an encounter with pirates today. They *said* they were public servants out for a nice meal. They sported pirate hats, eyepatches, and the skull-and-crossbones insignia, so they were viewed with some alarm by the other patrons of the eatery. However, everyone soon fell to and ate their fill of hot grilled meats, since the "pirates" appeared to be merely playing at freebootery, rather than actual bloodthirsty privateers.

Anonymous said...

oops, my bad
