Thursday, September 9

A Sailor's Prayer

My dears, I'm feeling very low. Perhaps a little music - drat, the gramophone is on the fritz again. Here is what I would play if only I could.

Though my sails be torn and tattered, and the mast be turned about
let the night wind chill me to my very soul
though the spray might sting my eyes, and the stars no light provide
give me just another morning light to hold

[For] I will not lie me down, this rain a-ragin'
[No] I will not lie me down, in such a storm
and if this night be unblessed, I shall not take my rest
[Until] I reach another shore

Though the only water left, is but salt to wound my thirst
I will drink the rain that falls so steady down
. . . though night's blindness be my gift, and there be thieves upon my drift
I will [thank the] fog that shelters me along

Though my mates by drained and weary, and [it seems] their hopes are lost
there's no need for their bones on that blackened bottom
and though death waits just off the bow, we will not answer to him now
he shall stand to face the morning without us

::sniff:: Such a lot of interesting old adventuring junk we decorated the Gentlemen's Club Room with; I fear it shall never welcome those weary seafarers... excuse me, must dash off and deal with a matter in the scullery...::sniff:: Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Wow. That was beautiful.

*hands Mrs. Blu a tissue* and a bouquet of pink roses, for hope.

Ginny said...

Oh, thank you, that's most kind and much appreciated. I was feeling a bit over-wrought.

Not quite a candlelight vigil, but it'll do in a pinch.

Anonymous said...

awwww, miz b....

bless yer heart. *pets* i embroidered you a lil pillow that may help you get thru this difficult time: tits up, needs must and all that good shit. gaze at it while ingesting this gold-fish bowl of grand marnier. one of the two will make you feel better.


snuggs (")