Meanwhile, back at the castle, I am sure that Gus and Sybill are not having fun storming it. By themselves. With no tactical support and precious little tactful support from the erstwhile crew of the Lucky Sue.
My dear nikola has been made a rather intriguing offer of dinner and box seats at the sub races (well, that is what they used to call that sort of thing back in that day. Which was mine at the time. E'rm). I shan't blame her for taking Nelson up on it, since she's clearly loaded for bear in all ways that count: devastating looks, and a very well-stocked chest.
Of deadly pharmaceuticals, I mean to say. Rather. I wonder if she'd also like to borrow that clever little wrist-catapult I inherited? Uncle Charles hasn't had much use for it since his brilliant career as an international jewel thief came to a sad but rather amusing end.
And how dare he put Bob up on eBay as a mere plaything for unholy desires:
Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 12:48 AM ADTThere! You see? It's an outrage! It's a scandal! Oh, the bestiality! My word! Oh, the -- piffle.
Name: Nelson
I'm listing this fucking rat on eBay.
Dear me, I've done it again. Pater would be ever so amused.
It's just like the time Pater's best old crony Snuffy Malone had such a devil of a time getting the banns published for his wedding, which had to take place in some haste owing to the war being on and he only had 3 days' leave. He rushed around arranging everything and his bride did the same, and then at the last possible moment he realized he had not gotten the license and the ceremony the next morning would be invalid. So he tore off across Town to get a n'extra special license from the Bishop, dodging piles of rubble through places the Tube wasn't running, and then tore back again, for the rehearsal was that night at the parish hall. No one ever forgot the dramatic moment when he burst through the doors, waving an official-looking piece of paper in triumph and shouting loudly "I've got it! I've got the fookin' License, the wedding is on!"
His bride fainted dead away, and the parson looked as if he'd rather be in his study flagellating himself like a Roman, but the wedding went all right on the day. Pater took his friend round to the pub after the rehearsal and told him "Snuffles, you never said a truer thing. Here's luck, may it never run out for a pack of smokes and take your bride with it." And he was right - it was a good marriage and not marred by fainting at the altar, since they'd already rehearsed that bit.
I beg your pardon most abjectly, but the story depends on a certain raffish delivery. Pater was quite a character.
In any case, perhaps we might have a flutter on old Bob and see if we can bring him safe home.
My dear Trish! I share your concerns, but won't file them in triplicate as you did. *chuckles*
I thank you. As you can see, events have moved on and it appears the auction is off for the moment. Bob looks very sweet with his little eyes closed and tucked into a matchbox hospital bed. snuggs has gone into "rescue mode" and is practically beside herself with concern. She shouldn't be too worried, I bet that matchbox has an electronic foot-raising control and a call button just like the real ones.
I doubt Nelson would have had a decent seller's rating - he probably sends everything Guavan Express, and they're terribly corrupt, slow, and incompetent. The bribes "To Insure Prompt Service" they charge are exhorbitant. So it's just as well Nelson took a shot to the noggin, though of course he is in no real danger owing to it being his head and all.
My dear Trish! I share your concerns, but won't file them in triplicate as you did. *chuckles*
I thank you. As you can see, events have moved on and it appears the auction is off for the moment. Bob looks very sweet with his little eyes closed and tucked into a matchbox hospital bed. snuggs has gone into "rescue mode" and is practically beside herself with concern. She shouldn't be too worried, I bet that matchbox has an electronic foot-raising control and a call button just like the real ones.
I doubt Nelson would have had a decent seller's rating - he probably sends everything Guavan Express, and they're terribly corrupt, slow, and incompetent. The bribes "To Insure Prompt Service" they charge are exhorbitant. So it's just as well Nelson took a shot to the noggin, though of course he is in no real danger owing to it being his head and all.
My dear Trish! I share your concerns, but won't file them in triplicate as you did. *chuckles*
I thank you. As you can see, events have moved on and it appears the auction is off for the moment. Bob looks very sweet with his little eyes closed and tucked into a matchbox hospital bed. snuggs has gone into "rescue mode" and is practically beside herself with concern. She shouldn't be too worried, I bet that matchbox has an electronic foot-raising control and a call button just like the real ones.
I doubt Nelson would have had a decent seller's rating - he probably sends everything Guavan Express, and they're terribly corrupt, slow, and incompetent. The bribes "To Insure Prompt Service" they charge are exhorbitant. So it's just as well Nelson took a shot to the noggin, though of course he is in no real danger owing to it being his head and all.
Oh, drat. Triplets! Silly old Blogger.
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