Thursday, July 15

2-for-1 Harpoon Happy Hour, Stat!

Ladies, batten the hatches and prepare for a run on the grog. I'm declaring an emergency Happy Hour to celebrate Gus' successful acquisition of a boat that is other than a burning shark-besieged hulk.

We'd best party like it's 1999, and we're several years late for that already.


Anonymous said...

well, hell. i just love it when a plan comes together. i knew askin' the fire captain to let us borrow the hose at closin' time was a good thing. i think i must have caught him in a good mood, after he jello-rassled with chryssiesue and she let him *win*. 'cause captain dan can get a lil grumpy sometimes, esp. when he hasn't put out a fire in a week or more. *slaps forehead* oooooh, i'll bring him a mai tai on the house to say thank you, and let him put out my fire batons. *weg* anyhoo, i think we managed to sluice away all the jello and attendant fruit out of the nooks and crannies.

now that we've got the barber's chair up and running, as myrtle attested to after 14 sex-on-the-beaches....ahem! i'd like to do upside down margaritas tonite. could you please put in a call for an extra case of limes. and have fred at the off-license hold us 6 bottles of blue cureaceau in case the uptown crowd decides to slum. *snickers* oooooh, why don't you post a doorman and a red velvet rope (shouldn't be too hard to find around here, just ask one of the gels)....the uptown bunch feels a lot better if they think they have to cross a red rope to get in anywhere.

hatches battened, ma'am. i think i'm gonna catch me a lil catnap before all the shenanigans start tonite.


Ginny said...

You HAVE been word, the upside-down margaritas are going fast. Good job we laid in supplies, that was quick thinking.