Friday, July 16

Beware Of The Toe-Sucking Bandit!

Le shock! Ladies, be on the lookout:
GREENSBURG, Pa. - A man sucked the toes or kissed the feet of two women and a girl in surprise assaults, police said.
If this is not a problem for any of you, you should at least ask that he reimburse you for anti-bacterial shoepolish.

And now I need to go see a man about a fish.

(oh, and snuggs, my humble apologies, the bar has been polished. I got rather free with my old "can-can" high-kick pint-pulling trick last night, and today I'm paying for it in more ways than three.)


Anonymous said...

*ponders* one has to wonder why it was a 'surprise assualt'? seems like someone sneakin' up on your tootsies would be difficult to miss. and for sushi's sake, why didn't he just ask in the first place????? i mean, really. what's the point of goin' to all the expense of a pedicure & cfm pumps if no-one is offering to suck one's toes?

lovely job on the bar, miz b! i can see myself. *note to self:* remember to wear undies if dancin' on the bar.

our new cabana boy *is* goin' to be wearin' a thong, isn't he??? even after our donation to gus' on-line credit account, the lec&ts still has plenty in the kitty to afford a thong or seven, one for every day of the week! and iffen he wears it well, some of them might even be embroidered. *g* and btw, what is this paragon's name, miz b?

the bar cats (jello, livvy, ariel, elf, monet & noelle) drop a mouse at your feet for your thoughtful enhancements to their new home and the posted rules regarding same. hehehe. right around closing time---the lights were still down--- i overheard one of the (extremely toasted) swells proposing to monet. she appears to be considering it, but i think she's holding out for a cubic zirconian collar & a pre-nup.

*raises glass of champagne high* c'mon, friday night!!!!!

tits to the wind,


Anonymous said...

Dagnappit! I was having fun in the sun with my bevy of cabana boys when I noticed the head count was not the same. (reduced by one I'd say) Miz blubridge I'm hoping no unsavorly business practices were used to lure my fellow over there. I might have to get one of those Ivy League type lawyers to protect my interests.

I would say "Tits in the wind" but what a sad sight that would be.
