Thursday, July 22

Note To Self: Do Not Eat The Evidence

I have just returned from a lightning-fast inspection tour for the King of Patagonia of a certain chocolate factory in his realm.

Regrettably (the charming Spanish word for this concept is "Lamentablemente,"  with the accent on the penultImate syllAble), the conditions when I got there were not up to His Majesty's standards. There were partially eaten chocolates left all over the floor in the choco-cream room, chocolate fingerprints smeared all over the work surface, and a step-stool was left in an extremely unsafe position.  Additionally, someone had smeared "NO MAS" on the wall behind the table and had been rather spectacularly ill in the waste receptacle.  The criminal investigators may well be able to identify the perpetrators by taking dental impressions of those pieces of candy that were not squashed into a solid mat of milk chocolate goo on the floor.

There were a number of footprints leading out the door, and 9 strips of torn yellow paper littered about. Mysteriously, one set of prints were very, very small. As the master chocolatier, Senor O. Loompa,  is a little person, suspicion initially fell on him, but he denied all responsibility... however,  there was a twinkle in his eye.  It seems La Enana De Race-o  has struck again. In an amazing twist of fate, the security cameras captured her in the act!

If she ate that much chocolate, she may be in need of a doctor-o very soon.


Anonymous said...

*phew!* i was worried that you were referrin' to my size 5.5's! but erm, that would be impossible, as i was embroidering with a group of girlfriends the entire matter *what* time it was. *nodsnodsnods*

i don't suppose you snarfed up some more of those hazlenut truffles, they, i heard they were delicious!


Ginny said...

Mmmumph? Vherrr werrre havzhelnummph?? Oh, bovvher!