Saturday, July 17

Eye Candy Ho!!!

All hands (and bosoms) on deck!

Whichever of you had a yearning for Nelson may cry sadly into your freshly embroidered hankies now, because the lasses that burn with passionate fancies for Flarq have EXCELLENT taste (and luck). And you know what a carp-shoot these things can be on the world-web international-net thingy.

My dear imaginative nikola, please order some sweet almond oil. If Mr. Flarq accepts my offer of employment after this cruise, I shall ask him to stand impressively at the door. A layer of fragrant oil on those skin-drawrings will be heady stuff indeed. Please work out a schedule so everyone gets her fair turn oiling Flarq up for his duties each afternoon.

For the second (or third) day in a row we've something to celebrate (events of late have caused me to lose count). The cash is safely back in Gus' hands, the boat is yet unsunk, the mighty members of Gus' crew will be swinging freely in not one but two sporting houses, and the only fly in the sweet almond oil is that the first stop doubles as Guava Municipal Court during the day.

And we all know quickly and discreetly a judge might be persuaded to rule favorably from the bench

The bottom line, my darling cabbages, is: bottoms up! Celebrations galore! Extra kibbles for all the kitties, too.

And for Sammy, extra juicy bits as well.


Anonymous said...

*fans self* i do declare, i needed the swoon bottle after that visual. mmm-mmm-MMM!

i'm just sayin'.


Ginny said...

Perhaps we should have a monthly "Carrier Landings" night in which we would put him up against all comers. He'd be zippy, not to mention slippy, so would have an obvious advantage when competing for distance, but he'd have a disadvantage in the "stop on a dime with two pitchers fully loaded" contest. We'd have to come up with a heavy duty tailhook mechanism.

That remains to be seen, of course... first things first. It will be a while before Flarq will be a free agent (and meanwhile, the B. whale frolics, and would thumb his nose at dear Gus if only he had a nose and an opposable appendage with which to thumb it).